
Clinical Characteristics of a Treatment Seeking Sample of Adults with Misophonia: Onset, Course, Triggers, Context, and Comorbidity
Woolley MG, Capel LK, Bowers EM, Petersen JM, Muñoz K, Twohig MP. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (2024)
Network analysis of misophonia symptoms using the Duke Misophonia Questionnaire
Shan Y, Siepsiak M, McMahon K, Guetta R, Kelley L, Chen T, Rosenthal MZ. Journal of Affective Disorders (2024)
Emotion Dysregulation in Misophonia: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample
Dixon LJ, Sevier CJ, Freshley, AM. Journal of Psychiatric Research (2024)
Audiological Characteristics of a Sample of Adults With Misophonia
Muñoz K, Woolley MG, Velasquez D, Ortiz D, San Miguel GG, Petersen, JM, Twohig, MP. American Journal of Audiology (2024)
Acceptance and commitment therapy versus progressive relaxation training for misophonia: Randomized controlled trial protocol, interventions, and audiological assessments.
Bowers EM, Woolley MG, Muñoz K, Petersen, JM, Twohig, MP. Contemporary Clinical Trials (2024)
A social cognition perspective on misophonia
Berger JI, Gander P, Kumar S. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2024)
Misophonia reactions in the general population are correlated with strong emotional reactions to other everyday sensory-emotional experiences
Mednicoff SD, Barashy S, Vollweiler DJ, Benning SD, Snyder JS, Hannon EE. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B (2024)
Prevalence, phenomenology, and impact of misophonia in a nationally representative sample of US adults
Dixon LJ, Schadegg MJ, Clark HL, Sevier CJ, Witcraft SM. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science (2024)
Family accommodation in children and adolescents with misophonia
Storch EA, Guzick AG, D’Souza J, Clinger J, Ayton D, Kook M, Rork C, Smith EE, Draper IA, Khalfe N, Rast CE, Murphy N, Lijfijjt M, Goodman WK, Cervin M. Behavior Therapy (2024)
Misophonia and hearing comorbidities in a collegiate population
Brennan CR, Lindberg RR, Kim G, Castro AA, Khan RA, Berenbaum H, Husain FT. Ear and Hearing (2024)
An experimental examination of neurostimulation and cognitive restructuring as potential components for misophonia interventions
Neacsiu AD, Beynel L, Gerlus N, LaBar KS, Bukhari-Parlakturk N, Rosenthal MZ. Journal of Affective Disorders (2024)
Clinical characteristics of treatment‐seeking youth with misophonia
Lewin AB, Milgram L, Cepeda SL, Dickinson S, Bolen M, Kudryk K, Bolton C, Karlovich AR, Grassie HL, Kangavary A, Harmon SL, Guzick A, Ehrenreich‐May J. Journal of Clinical Psychology (2024)
Auditory aversive generalization learning prompts threat-specific changes in alpha-band activity
Farkas AH, Ward RT, Gilbert FE, Pouliot J, Chiasson P, McIlvanie S, Traiser C, Riels K, Mears R, Keil A. Cerebral Cortex (2024)
An automated online measure for misophonia: The Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adults
Simner J, Rinaldi LJ, Ward J. Assessment (2024)
Ecological sound loudness in environmental sound representations
Oszczapinska U, Heller LM, Jang S, Nance B. JASA Express Letters (2024)
Mimicry in misophonia: A large-scale survey of prevalence and relationship with trigger sounds
Kumar S, Ash PA, Benzaquén E, Gander P, Berger JI. Journal of Clinical Psychology (2023)
Misophonia, self‐harm and suicidal ideation
Simner J, Rinaldi LJ. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports (2023)
Measuring misophonia in youth: A psychometric evaluation of child and parent measures
Cervin M, Guzick AG, Clinger J, Smith EEA, Draper IA, Goodman WK, Lijffijt M, Murphy N, Rast CE, Schneider SC, Storch EA. Journal of Affective Disorders (2023)
Factors associated with internalizing and externalizing symptoms in a clinical sample of youth with misophonia
Armstrong GA, Greenberg RL, Smárason O, Frederick RM, Guzick AG, Schneider SC, Spencer SD, Cervin M, Storch EA. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (2023)
Mental health difficulties in children who develop misophonia: An examination of ADHD, depression & anxiety
Rinaldi LJ, Simner J. Child Psychiatry & Human Development (2023)
Mindfulness and cognitive emotion regulation in pediatric misophonia
Spencer SD, Guzick AG, Cervin M, Storch EA. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (2023)
A symptom network model of misophonia: From heightened sensory sensitivity to clinical comorbidity
Andermane N, Bauer M, Simner J, Ward J. Journal of Clinical Psychology (2023)
A systematic review of treatments for misophonia
Mattson SA, D’Souza J, Wojcik KD, Guzick AG, Goodman WK, Storch EA. Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry (2023)
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and sound sensitivities: Comparing misophonia and hyperacusis
Castro AA, Lindberg RRD, Kim G, Brennan C, Jain N, Khan RA, Husain F, Berenbaum H. PsyArXiv (2023)
Autistic traits, emotion regulation, and sensory sensitivities in children and adults with misophonia
Rinaldi LJ, Simner J, Koursarou S, Ward J. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2023)
A phenomenological cartography of misophonia and other forms of sound intolerance
Andermane N, Bauer M, Sohoglu E, Simner J, Ward J. iScience (2023)
Family-based cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with misophonia: A case report
Dover N & McGuire JF. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice (2023)
Evaluating public awareness of misophonia in U.S. adults: A population-based study
Dixon LJ, Schadegg MJ, Clark HM, Perry MM. Current Psychology (2023)
Public awareness of misophonia in U.S. adults: A population-based study
Dixon LJ, Schadegg MJ, Clark HL, Perry MM. Current Psychology (2023)
Clinical characteristics, impairment, and psychiatric morbidity in 102 youth with misophonia
Guzick AG, Cervin M, Smith EEA, Clinger J, Draper I, Goodman WK, Lijffijt M, Murphy N, Lewin AB, Schneider SC, Storch EA. Journal of Affective Disorders (2022)
Perceptions of various treatment approaches for adults and children with misophonia
Smith EEA, Guzick AG, Draper IA, Clinger J, Schneider SC, Goodman WK, Brout JJ, Lijffijt M, Storch EA. Journal of Affective Disorders (2022)
Auditory affective processing, musicality, and the development of misophonic reactions
Mednicoff SD, Barashy S, Gonzales D, Benning SD, Snyder JS, Hannon EE. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
The neurobiology of misophonia and implications for novel, neuroscience-driven interventions
Neacsiu AD, Szymkiewicz V, Galla JT, Li B, Kulkarni Y, Spector CW. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
Development and evaluation of a sound-swapped video database for misophonia
Samermit P, Young M, Allen AK, Trillo H, Shankar S, Klein A, Kay C, Mahzouni G, Reddy V, Hamilton V, Davidenko N. Frontiers in Psychology (2022)
Psychometric validation of a brief self-report measure of misophonia symptoms and functional impairment: The Duke-Vanderbilt misophonia screening questionnaire
Williams ZJ, Cascio CJ, Woynaroski TG. Frontiers in Psychology (2022)
Identification of everyday sounds affects their pleasantness
Smith JM and Heller LM. Frontiers in Psychology (2022)
The relationship between self-reported misophonia symptoms and auditory aversive generalization leaning: A preliminary report
Ward RT, Gilbert FE, Pouliot J, Chiasson P, McIlvanie S, Traiser C, Riels K, Mears R, Keil A. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
Autistic traits, emotion regulation, and sensory sensitivities in children and adults with misophonia
Rinaldi LJ, Simner J, Koursarou S, Ward J Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2022)
Disrupted computations of social control in individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive and misophonia symptoms
Banker SM, Na S, Beltrán J, Koenigsberg HW, Foss-Feig JH, Gu X, Schiller D. iScience (2022)
Poorer well-being in children with misophonia: Evidence from the Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adolescents
Rinaldi LJ, Smees R, Ward J, Simner J. Frontiers in Psychology (2022)
Attention, flexibility, and imagery in misophonia: Does attention exacerbate everyday disliking of sound?
Simner J, Koursarou S, Rinaldi LJ, Ward J. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (2022)
Consensus definition of misophonia: A Delphi study
Swedo SE*, Baguley DM, Denys D, Dixon LJ, Erfanian M, Fioretti A, Jastreboff PJ, Kumar S, Rosenthal MZ*, Rouw R, Schiller D, Simner J, Storch EA, Taylor S, Werff KRV, Altimus CM, Raver SM. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
Applying the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in children and adolescents to misophonia: A case example
Tonarely-Busto NA, Phillips DA, Saez-Clarke E, Karlovich A, Kudryk K, Lewin AB, Ehrenreich-May J. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health (2022)
Development and initial validation of the Duke misophonia questionnaire
Rosenthal MZ, Anand D, Cassiello-Robbins C, Williams ZJ, Guetta RE, Trumbull J, Kelley LD. Frontiers in Psychology (2021)
Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia in youth: Methods for a clinical trial and four pilot cases
Lewin AB, Dickinson S, Kudryk K, Karlovich AR, Harmon SL, Phillips DA, Tonarely NA, Gruen R, Small B, Ehrenreich-May J. Journal of Affective Disorders (2021)
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